Whenever you move there are tons of details to take care of in order to make sure that everything goes smoothly. Taking care of everything takes careful planning and preparation. If you have an autistic child there is some additional planning that you will want to do in order to help your child transition through the moving process smoothly. Prodigy Moving & Storage has some tips for you today on how to prepare your autistic child for your upcoming move. As the parent of an autistic child you know that they thrive on routine. You also probably know that there is nothing routine about moving. Moving takes you out of your routine more than most changes in your life do. Knowing that getting out of their daily routine will be a struggle for your child you will want to have a plan that begins before you moving day.
How Do I Prepare My Autistic Child for Moving House?
This step starts with telling your child that you are moving. Experts recommend giving younger children a few weeks to digest the news and older children one month to come to terms with moving. You may want to prepare a countdown of some sort for your child to mark off each day so they know how many more days they have before moving begins. Once your child knows that you are moving you will want to start discussing your new home. You may want to make them a book with pictures of your new home and the surrounding area. Allowing them to get comfortable with your new community before you move will help them adjust easier.
How to Help Autistic Child Attend a New School
If your autistic child is in school you will want to make sure that you contact your new school as soon as possible. Letting the school know of your child’s needs before they start their first day of school there will allow the teacher to prepare adequately. When the teacher knows ahead of time what is included in your child’s individualized education plan they can be ready to follow it from the first day.
Help Autistic Child Pack to Move
Autistic children thrive on routine. One way that you can help them have some routine amidst the chaos of moving is to let Laprom Movers help take care of packing and unpacking your belongings. We can pack their room last when come on moving day. Once we get everything moved over we can unload their room first. This will give your child the smallest amount of time possible where they do not have their belongings. Before we show up to pack and move the boxes you can have your child go through their belongings with you. Allow them to decide what they want to bring to their new home. You will want to do this at a time where your autistic child can have your undivided attention.
Moving Services in Chatsworth, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Calabasas, Glendale, Burbank & Greater Los Angeles, California
Prodigy Moving & Storage hopes that these tips help your child have a smooth transition to their new home. If you have any other special accommodations that we can help you with please let us know. We are here to help you in any way possible.