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  • Licensed & Insured California Movers & Storage
  • Licensed & Insured California Movers & Storage

Is Relocating Hard for Kids in La Puente, CA; Tips for Stress Free Packing & Moving

Anytime that you have to take a long road trip with your kids there are lots of things to consider. If you want your trip to be successful you will want to have a solid plan before you get in the car and start driving. When you are going on vacation normally your kids are excited to get in the car. If you are moving your kids may not be as excited. Prodigy Moving & Storage has some tips to help you make your move as smooth as possible.

How Do You Pack Efficiently with Kids?

First you will want to make the process of packing up your house as smooth as possible. When you are packing boxes your young kids will be extremely bored. They will be stuck in the house without your full attention. You can have them “help” you keep your boxes organized by giving them some crayons to help label your boxes. They will have fun coloring on the boxes and you can keep packing while they are entertained. If your child knows how to write their letters they can practice copying the letters that you write on the box. This will keep them busy and help them practice their handwriting. While you are packing you can take an empty box or two and make them a fort to play in while you are busy packing. They can take a few toys into their fort and have fun playing. When they get bored with that you can have them watch a movie or a show on a tablet or phone in their fort as well. As you are packing you will want to make sure that you take time out to spend with your young children. Taking them outside to burn some energy will help them behave once you come back inside to keep working. You may want to set an alarm on your phone every few hours to help you remember to do this. When you get packing it can be easy to lose track of time.

Tips to Move with Kids

To help your kids with the move you will want to pack some activities to help keep them busy. You know your kid best so think about what they might like and plan accordingly. There are many fun ideas on sites like Pinterest that you might want to utilize to help you find the right ones. In addition to activities you will also want to pack some treats. Kids get hungry more frequently than adults so if you pack snacks for them it will make it so that you do not have to stop anytime that they need something to eat.

Moving Services in Chatsworth, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Calabasas, Glendale, Burbank & Greater Los Angeles, California

After you arrive at your new home you will want to get your kids items unpacked as soon as possible. Getting their bedrooms set up should be one of your first priorities. If you hire Prodigy Moving & Storage to help you move we can make sure that we help you pack your truck and unload your items in the best way possible to make this happen. If you follow all of these tips it will help your kids transition as smoothly as possible.